
Financial aid programs have requirements that you need to meet in order to keep the aid. 如果你不能满足所有的要求, even if you aren't aware of it, your aid money can be taken away. Don't let this happen. 如果你不确定自己的立场, contact us and we will help.

  1. Keep your grades up.
  2. 检查你的奖学金的续期标准.
  3. 为毕业制定一个学习计划. Talk with your advisor.
  4. 在你上学的早期和职业服务中心谈谈. 你的职业服务顾问可以帮助你制定职业规划.
  5. Complete your courses. Routinely withdrawing from courses will hurt your ability to keep your aid. If you have to withdraw from a course because of a family emergency or major life event, 在你停止上课之前联系你的指导老师.
  6. 如果你有困难,让你的指导老师知道. 你的顾问可以帮助你找到导师和其他可以帮助你的人.
  7. 注意你的借贷和支出. 联系你的财务援助顾问以获得资源帮助.
  8. 如果你想改变你的程序, 和你的导师谈谈这可能会如何影响你的经济援助.