

No, admission standards are the same for all students applying to Davenport University. 你必须达到与其他学生相同的入学和课程标准. Students with disabilities follow the same admissions procedures as any student would when applying to Davenport University. 

What is the 学生访问 accommodation process and how do I request accommodations?

Students may request reasonable accommodations as a result of a qualifying disability as defined by federal legislation within the 美国残疾人法案 (1990) 美国残疾人修正案 (2008),或第504条 职业康复法 (1973). It is a students’ responsibility to contact a 学生访问 Coordinator at their campus to initiate and fulfill the accommodation process.

Students should contact the 学生访问 Coordinator as early as possible in order to have proper documentation ready for faculty at the start of the semester. 为了完成住宿流程,请: 

  1. 下载 核实残疾表格 让你的医疗服务提供者完成第2 - 4页. 如果你已经有了504计划或IEP, 你毋须填写残疾证明表格. 
  2. Upload the completed 核实残疾表格, or similar medical/religious documentation 在这里
  • If t在这里 is NOT enough information to make a determination for accommodations requested, the 学生访问 Coordinator will request additional documentation from the student to re-submit.
  • 如果有足够的文件, the 学生访问 Coordinator will review the documentation and create an individualized accommodation plan. The accommodation plan will be communicated back to the student via a Maxient email with the Individual’s Documentation of Accommodations (IDA). 住宿的有效期为一年.

3. Provide your IDA to each instructor in the classes that you would like to have accommodations provided.

  • You can request adjustments to the IDA at any time by contacting the 学生访问 Coordinator. 可能需要额外的医疗文件.
  • If you wish to appeal your accommodation plan, you can do so in writing to Dr. 乔·毕晓普,大学ADA协调员.


联系校园生活协调员 kclark53@osonin.com.


联系凯西·克拉克,校园生活协调员,电话:(616)554-5184或 kclark53@osonin.com

Does Davenport University have special education classes for students with disabilities?

No, Davenport provides accommodations for students within the general educational setting based on disability and a student's needs. 皇冠crown体育将提供合理的住宿, 根据州和联邦的指导方针, by providing access that allows equal participation in University programs and activities. 


在审查请求和适当的文件后, 学生接触协调员将与你会面. 如果您有资格获得服务, 您将收到一份个人住宿证明(IDA)) which will state the accommodation(s) and services you are eligible to receive. You are then responsible for communicating your accommodations via the IDA to your faculty as needed. The 学生访问 Coordinator can act as a liaison with faculty and other campus departments to assure compliance.


No, your first step should be to work with your 学生访问 Coordinator to submit the appropriate paperwork. 如果住宿得到批准, you will receive your Individual Documentation of Accommodation (IDA) each faculty member  


Davenport asks that you request services at least six weeks before you intend to begin classes at the University. 然而,皇冠crown体育将考虑所有的请求,无论何时提交.  


在你办理完住宿手续之后, 您将收到一份个人住宿证明(IDA).)一般, the Individual's Documentation of Accommodation (IDA) is valid for two academic years - some may be less depending on disability and situation. “有效至”日期将列在IDA上.

It is up to you as the student to speak with each instructor to coordinate receipt of accommodations. If needed, the 学生访问 Coordinator can act as a liaison at your request to assure compliance.

住宿期满后, please contact your 学生访问 Coordinator for review and renewal of your accommodations. 


No, students are not charged a fee for processing accommodations through 学生访问. Students are responsible for the cost of obtaining required medical documentation establishing a covered disability and the need for accommodation. 经批准的住宿通常将免费提供给学生.


All disability-related documentation is treated as medical information and is retained separately from academic records. This information is shared only on a need-to-know basis within the institution. A portion of the Verification of Disability (VOD) form has a section for the release of information on it so the 学生访问 Coordinator can discuss information regarding academic adjustments, 辅助艾滋病, and/or accommodations related to your disability with relevant Davenport University academic and operations personnel to provide the desired support.

As a student, you have the right to determine with whom to disclose your disability.


住宿是个性化的每个符合条件的学生. Every effort will be made to provide an effective and reasonable accommodation at the location you attend. 


The 学生访问 Coordinator will provide guidance and support in implementing your Individual's Documentation of Accommodation (IDA). If you believe you are experiencing discrimination because of your disability, please advise your 学生访问 Coordinator or follow the complaint procedures outlined in the Student Handbook.


及时提交您的文档. 确保每节课你都需要住宿, that you privately meet with the instructor at the start of the session and go over your Individual's Documentation of Accommodations (IDA). 有效沟通. 熟悉大学的政策和程序. 联系 your Advisor or the 学生访问 Coordinator if you have any problems or difficulties.